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Collagen for winter skincare - what you need to know

Collagen for winter skincare - what you need to know

The cold air, the wet weather, and the constant chill in your house mean one thing. 

Winter is here, and with it comes dry winter skin on your face and body. Maybe you’re breaking out more than usual, or you’ve lost that summer glow. We’re here to help you with your winter skincare routine.

This article focuses on collagen for winter skincare to nourish a tight, dry face from the inside out. Read on for winter skincare essentials that you need in a collagen supplement for radiant winter skin.

How to boost your collagen in winter for glowing skin

A winter skincare routine doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, it’s best to keep it simple to remain consistent. Simplicity gives you the space to nourish your skin while settling back into your routine, setting new goals, and embracing a fresh start after the holiday rush.

Get plenty of sleep for a healthy skin barrier

The best winter skincare routine always includes sleep. It may seem obvious; after all, everyone knows that sleep is important. But getting rest isn’t always associated with achieving the best winter skin, and almost 1 in 5 adults in the UK aren’t getting enough sleep. 

A study by Dermatological Sciences and Applications found that a lack of sleep led to rough, dull, and dry skin, droopy eyelids, and dark eye circles. Participants also experienced a decrease in hydration and skin barrier function. And that was after one night of poor sleep!

Sleep stimulates collagen synthesis, helping the skin to repair, improve blood circulation, decrease acne, and firm up sagging skin.

Read more: The importance of collagen for your face.

Therefore, the best skincare for dry winter skin is to get some shut-eye. If you’re struggling to sleep, then implement a soothing bedtime routine, try herbal remedies like ashwagandha for sleep, and integrate a calming sleep supplement

Read more: Does Collagen Help You Sleep? Everything You Need to Know.

Increase your vitamin C for glowy winter skin 

The cold weather often compromises the skin barrier, leading to dull, rough, and tight skin, which is why vitamin C is one of the best winter skincare ingredients for a healthy glow. 

Vitamin C is a key component in forming collagen, giving skin cells strength and elasticity. This helps repair your skin to retain nutrients and moisture, making the vitamin particularly important when establishing a winter skincare routine for dry skin. 

Vitamin C is also a potent antioxidant, meaning it defends your skin from harmful bacteria, pollution, and UV rays (yes, you still get UV rays in winter!). A lack of antioxidants can lead to premature ageing, such as deepened fine lines and wrinkles. So, eat vitamin C-rich foods and take a supplement containing vitamin C as part of your winter face routine.

Power up your hydration with hyaluronic acid

Crepey, tight, and lack-lustre skin is all too common in winter. This is because the harsh weather contributes to skin rapidly losing hydration, and you may notice enhanced creases and lines.

Hyaluronic acid reduces wrinkles, making it a must when considering skincare for dry skin in winter. It’s a humectant, drawing water molecules from the air and replenishing lost hydration. This restores moisture and plumps up the skin, smoothing out creases such as crow's feet and nasolabial folds. Hyaluronic acid also helps build collagen to strengthen the skin barrier and lock in hydration. 

Rather than using a hyaluronic acid serum, try replenishing your levels from the inside out with a supplement containing hyaluronic acid. Not only will it increase hydration all over your body, but it’s also excellent for treating seasonal joint pain.

Boost skin elasticity using retinol

Dryness and cold weather can rapidly disrupt your skin barrier (the top layers of your dermis). The skin barrier is supposed to be elasticated and flexible to keep moisture in and smooth facial creases, and keep bacteria out to reduce inflammation, dryness, and acne. Therefore, the best skincare for winter includes retinol, also known as vitamin A.

Retinol helps the skin structure formation by stimulating collagen synthesis in cells called fibroblasts. The collagen weaves together the derma barrier, keeping it firm and flexible to decrease moisture loss, making retinol crucial in skincare for winter dry skin.

Read more: Collagen vs Retinol for Skin: Which is Better?

Lower inflammation with a vitamin D supplement

Common complaints in winter skincare include dryness, redness, and sudden breakouts. This is commonly caused by inflammation in the body, which is when your immune system triggers cells to swell, causing irritation. The winter weather is often the culprit of skin inflammation, so you may experience skin changes as the seasons shift.

Read more: How to Get Rid of Inflammation in the Body Fast.

Vitamin D plays an essential role in a healthy immune system to lower inflammation. Vitamin D3, in particular, increases collagen production in dermal fibroblasts, leading to more bouncy, supple, and soft skin.

The lack of sunlight means it’s hard to get enough vitamin D in winter, and your skin can suffer. However, a supplement containing vitamin D3 is ideal for boosting your levels and enhancing your winter skin routine.

Extra ways to boost your vitamin skincare

  • Minimise how much you look at blue light - Blue light emits from screens such as smartphones, which you’re more likely to use during the cold, dark winter months. Unfortunately, blue light can trigger oxidative stress and induce premature ageing, such as wrinkles. So try to cut down on your smartphone screen time.

  • Eat well - It’s hard not to reach for sugary snacks while you’re hiding from the weather at home. But this can cause inflammation and a loss of collagen. Include collagen-inducing foods over winter, like nuts, seeds, dark leafy greens, and cruciferous vegetables to replenish your collagen levels.

All-in-one winter skincare with Arella Beauty

Get the best winter skincare products for winter dry skin with the all-in-one Arella Vegan Collagen - Liquid Supplement. It contains the best cold weather skincare ingredients, including vitamins C and D, hyaluronic acid, and retinol. Take once a day in a convenient sachet and see how long it takes for collagen supplements to work for your skin (psst, not long!).

When it comes to the sleep side of skincare, we’ve got you covered. Try our Arella Dream - Calming Sleep Supplement containing ashwagandha, lavender, passionflower, and chamomile for a deep, uninterrupted sleep.

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Written by Emma Carey for Arella Beauty.

Emma is a holistic beauty and wellness writer. She has three years of experience in the well-being industry and a Master’s degree in Creative Writing and Wellness. Check out her portfolio and follow her on Instagram.