
Should you take collagen in autumn?

Should you take collagen in autumn?

There are lots of reasons you need to take care of your body all year round, but it can be even more crucial in autumn. Why is that, you ask?...

How to protect your hair using collagen in autumn

How to protect your hair using collagen in autumn

Protecting your hair is crucial for healthy locks, but there are different hair challenges depending on the season. Autumn is a glorious burst of red, crunchy leaves, golden sunsets, and...

The best autumn foods to promote collagen

The best autumn foods to promote collagen

Collagen-boosting foods are essential all year round. But, when the weather turns, you may find yourself reaching for freshly baked cookies, a packet of biscuits, or that Dairy Milk Tray...

What is Collagen Banking?

What is Collagen Banking?

Collagen banking doesn’t mean storing collagen for a rainy day. Instead, it ensures that when your body’s collagen decreases, you have enough for bouncy skin, healthy joints, and good energy...

When do you stop producing collagen?

When do you stop producing collagen?

Losing collagen is a natural phase of life, so knowing when it’s happening can help you get ahead of the game and replenish collagen loss. You can’t prevent your body...